Snow in Seattle!

Seattle doesn't want to let me go. I'm hoping the roads will be clear enough for me to head over Snoqualmie Pass tomorrow morning. This crazy snow (4 inches on my car downtown today) has chased us all inside to drink hot chocolate and blog (my first entry!). I love a good old-fashioned snow day.

If I'm done procrastinating, today I will reserve a hostel for my first three nights in Buenos Aires before my language study/homestay begins on Sunday, January 11. My cousin Ryan recommended - it served him well during his 5 months in Argentina last year.

Here's what my sister Anna's house looks like today (in Shoreline):

Snowy Yakima racks!

And here's where I was less than two weeks ago - beautiful Zihua, Mexico:

Playa Los Gatos

Desayuno on our bungalow patio...sigh....

Mexico: thanks for showing us an amazing time. I hope to see you again soon!
Now I'm ready to jump back into summer...South American style!
