More adventures with Hiking in Madrid: I'd like to share a video that a fellow hiker created from our last trek in the Guadarrama mountains, just one hour from Madrid city center.
We walked to La Jarosa, a viewpoint of a very controversial monument/tomb from Spain's civil war, where Francisco Franco was later buried (Valley of the Fallen). When you head northwest out of the city, you can't miss the 500-foot-tall granite cross that marks this underground monument to the people from both sides who died in the war. One of the reasons it's controversial is that those who fought against Franco and his army now share a final resting place with them (and their families are still upset). Another is that after he defeated them, Franco's war prisoners were forced to build this memorial, digging it out of solid rock from 1940 to 1950.
On a lighter note: It was a beautiful day, with a light dusting of snow on the ground. Some of the hikers who come from warmer climes were so excited that they engaged in shenanigans like making snow angels, throwing snowballs and shaking snow-laden tree branches on unsuspecting hikers. I was less than thrilled with this turn of events (see if you can catch my reaction in the video).
That said, it is ALWAYS a great outing with this group, and this woman's video really captured the feeling!
Our next hike is planned for February 16. We'll be hiking to el Pico de la Miel (Honey Peak). These outings every-other weekend are a lovely escape from the city and from my busy work schedule. This winter I've been giving about 10 private English lessons a week on top of my regular teaching schedule at the primary school. Phew!
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